What requirements must I meet to be able to return an order?
JUST-ENE will allow the return of the shoes you have purchased, provided that the following requirements are met (if any of these points are not met, JUST-ENE may refuse said return):
- That the return be made within 15 days from receipt of the footwear.
- That the communication, approval and logistics delivery procedure established by JUST-ENE be faithfully followed.
- That the shoes have not been worn or damaged in any way.
- That the shoes be returned in perfect condition in the original box.
Once it has been verified that the pair of shoes is in perfect condition, JUST-ENE will proceed to refund 100% of the price paid for them within a period of 5-10 working days. Otherwise, JUST-ENE will notify you of the rejection of the return and will return the order, the cost of which would be assumed by the customer, to the original delivery address. The customer must pay for the full transport of an order whose return has been rejected, having the obligation to pay that cost and receive the order back. Otherwise, it will be understood that you do not wish to dispose of your shoes and you assign your property to JUST-ENE free of charge, which may destroy them or transfer them to a third party.
The refund of the price will be made by the same means in which the order was paid.